• artsy fartsy,  house-sitting,  painting

    the house-sitting comes to a close

    time's up

    Well, my house-sitting stint is nearly up. The mail has been collected. The cats have been fed and petted. The cat boxes are clean and the trash has been taken out. I might take a spin around the kitchen with the steam mop but pretty much everything is done. I’m a little sad my stay at this five star resort is over. I’ve really enjoyed myself here.

    guest room art

    I got some paintings done in Annalie’s garage art studio. I took the liberty of hanging them in the guest room since those walls were bare and Bethany lets me get away with pretty much anything here—even putting nails in the wall. I might leave them here, I might sell them. I don’t know. The guest room needs some art. But I don’t know. Bethany already has quite a bit of my art here already.

    a collection?

    Too much maybe?

    a little bathroom art

    There was this empty frame sitting on the floor in the living room. I’ve noticed it’s been there a while. Bethany probably has plans to put photos in it but hasn’t gotten around to it yet. So I just sort of um… printed out some illos and stuck them in the frame and hung it on an existing nail. She can discard my print out. It’s on cheap copy paper and my toner is running out so it’s not like she’ll be throwing away a masterpiece. I just couldn’t resist, the frame was begging for some art just sitting there all empty like that.

    Maybe if Toby and I ever fall down on our luck I can hire myself out as house-sitter/art decorator. I think that would be a pretty good job.


    So that’s it. This house-sitting stay has been extremely productive. I accomplished all the things I set out to do: some Gocco printing, some pottery painting, some normal painting, visits with family and a trip to Sea World with Toby. I couldn’t really ask for more. Sign me up for next year!

  • artsy fartsy,  house-sitting,  my art is going to the dogs,  Niece-com-poops

    It’s just fun fun fun when you’re house-sitting.

    commercial for San Diego

    The niece-com-poops are visiting and we are up to all sorts of no good. Blue pancakes in the morning, wild dress up parties in Annalie’s room, art projects galore and of course some outings to all the local tourist spots. Bethany‘s town has a lot to offer. You should come visit her.


    I’ve been running around after them, wildly trying to clean up. It’s amazing how much more mess three kids can make than one. But then they are the niece-com-poops so making messes sort of runs in their blood. Not to mention my mom is here and she’s been sewing up a storm so there is material and thread all over the place.

    My mom sewed three skirts for me, a skirt for Bug, a hat for Bug and a skirt for Bug’s stuffed green bear all in one day! I think Bethany’s house brings out the creative juices in more than just me. CC has also been here sewing and even put up some cute pink skull coffee sleeve thingys in her shop.

    I haven’t doing much besides yelling at the kids and cleaning up their mess. But that’s okay. I’ve had lots of time to be creative already. As you can see below:

    Lefty Dog Mug

    Lefty Dog Mug

    I picked up the pottery we painted the other day. This dog mug is a lefty mug. It wasn’t supposed to be but when I painted a dog face at the bottom inside of the mug (not shown–see shop for details), I painted it upside down. So yay for lefties! Or yay for Marci who already bought it! Thanks Marci.

    blue cat smudge plate

    I also painted this blue cat plate but when I was in the drawing stages, I accidentally went to brush off my eraser shavings with a paper towel that had a bit of black paint on it. DOH! I wiped a big black streak around the middle. Thankfully, most of it washed off but as you can see there is still some residue on the left and over the cat’s head. I should have drawn something to incorporate the smudge but when it was all wet and covered in pencil marks, it was really hard to tell the difference between pencil residue and paint residue. Excuses, excuses…

    What is it with me and messing up my pottery? It must be my signature. I think I’ve messed up every piece I’ve ever painted. Sure, it gives everything more character but it also makes it so I can’t sell them full price and since I haven’t figured out a way to buy bisque cheaper yet, that’s not really working out for me. But I can’t complain, it’s a hobby that almost supports itself. Which is a lot better than other hobbies I could take up. It’s in my shop for cheap, if you’re interested.

    Blue Bear Bug Mug

    Now here’s a piece of pottery that Bug and I sort of messed up on purpose. It’s a collaboration. First, I drew on the bear in pencil. Then she painted it with a flourish and then I outlined some detail over the top. I think it’s rather cute. It’s in our shop but if it doesn’t sell, that’s fine with me.


    So that’s what we’ve been up to. Don’t come home, Bethany, we’re having too much fun. Just kidding. Hurry up and come home and join in the fun with us!