artsy fartsy,  corona virus 2020,  crafts gone wrong,  crazy stuff,  Slow Living

Crazy Pandemic Hobbies: Tiny Milk Carton Houses


Lately, I’m into making tiny milk carton houses. It’s a crazy hobby that I don’t see paying off anytime soon. They take forever and the waxy surface of the milk carton makes painting them nearly impossible. It’s also messy. But I am not giving up!!! I have four of them sitting beside me (on the little handy side desk that I McGivered by putting two desks together).  I tinker on them a little bit every day. I have grand plans of creating a whole village and selling it for a thousand bucks but more than likely I’ll just gift them to the family who won’t know what to do with them either.


These milk carton houses are not for work. I wish they were but they are not. I’ve used a few for work but the ones I’m working on now are not. They are really just something to keep me from going crazy.

I also have a postcard hobby which means that I save every piece of chipboard that goes through our house. Chipboard is thin cardboard from cereal boxes and cartons etc. My collection is kind of a problem. My desk looks like a recycling plant and now I’m having issues throwing anything away. My kids save everything for me too because they know I have this hobby. It’s gotten a little out of control.


I have dreams of making “an old house in Paris that was covered with vines” out of a cookie box but I don’t know when I’ll get to it. I just work a tiny bit on these houses every day. Day by day by day by day… in between other more lofty chores, of course. It’s slow going and this mess is not going anywhere any time soon. It feels like my own personal pandemic decor. Kinda like how we moved Payam’s desk into the living room and the kids have their own zoom classroom backdrops incorporated into their bedrooms…and it’s a permanent part of our life now. It’s funny the changes we’ve all had to make now that we do everything at home. I’ve always worked at home but this latest recycling craftiness has definitely turned my madness up a notch.

I hope I finish someday. Kinda like I hope I can see friends again someday…


  • Cathy

    I dunno, SAJ, those houses are pretty darned cute with all the details and that perfect pink. You’re lucky I don’t have a mantle cuz I’d have you send me a village!

  • Gingermog

    How did I let your latest update slip? Gah, what have I been doing this December ummm writing Christmas cards, finishing off the bathroom decor, tussling with my printer and dusting and I mean industry style dusting, the bricks in the barn crumble dust. Atishoooo! we are trying out different fixatives to fix this.

    Actually, folk embroidiary has been my madness since November. I’ve been making a lot of my xmas gifts this year Little House on the Prarie style. I’ve spent many hours happily sitching away listening to podcats (leaving that typo in :) when I should have been doing something else more productive (which is why my to do list is so lonnnng). Wherever you find your joy, right?

    I’ve been making a lot of my xmas gifts this year. I still have a stack of likely boxes (I love boxes) to make into houses and also little blocks of wood, I need to sand and paint. Maybe tomorrow if I’m good and get all my paperwork chores done today.

    Your comment on “what is now normal”, in our daily routines has made me think. I’m going to need to recap all the positive things which have come out of this year.

    sending love

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