crazy stuff,  fitness,  instagram,  photography

The Bubble Walk


We did a thing this weekend. A bubble thing. Lots and lots of foamy, colored bubbles. It was a “run” sort of. I think it would be more accurate to call it a walk or an “experience.” We basically lined up with a few thousand other people and walked five kilometers around the Angel Stadium parking lot and let bubbles rain down on us for instagrammable moments. It was a blast.


The kids do not think running is cool. I do however and since I work out all the time I busted out of the first station in a gallant run and took off leaving them in their suds. About half a kilometer later my heart hurt from running so hard (I may have tried to show off a little) so I decided I missed them and lapped back to walk the rest of the “run” with them. What can I say, walking though bubbles taking pictures is more fun with your slow walking family than by it is by yourself, feeling virtuous about your healthy heart.


It was so silly and fun! Who dreamed up this idea? I think they are brilliant and they are laughing all the way to the bank. It was totally packed. You couldn’t even run because there were so many people. There was music and dancing and lots of people walking into each other because they were paying more attention to their phones documenting all the fun than they were where they were going.

You’d think it would be a crazy, slippery health hazard with all those bubbles and running and dancing and people not paying attention but surprisingly, the bubbles weren’t slippery at all! I didn’t even see a single person slip or fall. Idiots playing in the puddles and getting gross and dirty were everywhere but no accidents to speak of. The bubble solution must have been some special formula that foamed but did not create any sort of slippery film. Suds and puddles everywhere but nobody losing their footing. It was brilliant.


The kids loved it and filmed every minute of it until their phones died.


And who am I kidding. I took about a thousand photos too. I was just smart enough to not waste my battery before we got there.


The swag wasn’t so bad either. We got these really cool t-shirts that we thought would be tie-dyed with all the fun colors from the bubbles but sadly, they washed out.


We definitely got the pictures and the memories. These are going into 2019’s photo calendar for sure. I love doing these sorts of things together. And! Best of all: We woke up at 7am and walked three miles together!! How often do we get to say we did that? Like never.

Joon sent me a link for the color run and I’m thinking: sign us up! Do it for the photos, do it for your health, who care’s it’s all good!


Then we went to IHOP and ate all the calories we burned off in a big breakfast and lived happily ever after.

One Comment

  • Lynne

    Looks like super fun and great to do it as a family. I never run, hangover from cross country runs at school gym classes, but I walk a lot. I’d be up for training to run something fun like this or a colour run. I love the idea of attending Holi in Idia sometime.


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