• Bug,  party party

    Bug’s Great Limo Ride Birthday Party


    Every year we joke that we’ve set the bar so high for parties that we will never be able to top it.  Whatever are we going to do next year, Paris? Hah!   I don’t know about Paris next year but we are really going to have to be creative to top this year’s limo party.


    Everybody arrived at 3pm and Victor the limo driver and his stretch showed up at 3:30. Eight girls and I piled in.


    First stop boba, of course.


    You know what’s awesome about tweens? They love group shots. No more cajoling everyone to squeeze in, they were more than happy to oblige with their squad poses.


    Next stop the mall! We didn’t really shop (I didn’t really budget for that.). A few girls brought spending money but not everyone did so we stuck to fun interactive things. Thankfully this mall is full of them.


    Like riding down the escalator as a crew, posing on the shoe shine chairs and of course throwing pennies into the fountain in the food court.


    We did make a stop at Lush to smell all the pretty soaps.


    And of course the candy shop that sells Pusheen merchandise.


    And lastly macarons for everyone!


    Then down the escalator to catch the limo for the next stop. Victor was so patient with us. (We tipped him well to make sure he knew how much we appreciated him.)


    We cruised by the beach and stopped for a special Pusheen wedding as the sun set. These girls, man. I have to say I really like Bug’s group of friends. They are so smart and well-read and when one of them officiates the wedding with all the right words and a few well-timed jokes that crack everyone up, you have to just sigh…They really impressed me.


    Then we headed back home for a green dinner! I should have taken a photo of the long table in the daytime but you get the idea. The ice shard milk-carton flowers came in handy. Who cooked this dinner you might wonder? Payam did! Actually I made green enchiladas the day before so Payam could pop them in the oven a half hour before we got there. Then Payam made green quesadillas (by hand in a pan!) and we had green chips and guacamole of course. Bug looooooves guacamole.


    I have such a soft spot for long-table dinner parties. They are my favorite!


    We sang happy birthday and served the birthday girl with a tree of lime cupcakes. You can tell she’s fading a little bit in this picture. Poor girl had a sore throat all day but she powered through. Did you know kids don’t like cupcakes anymore? I had no idea. I also served them green tea and mint chocolate chip mochi and they all reached for the mochi over the cupcakes.


    Oh yeah, I was there too! In a new green dress that makes me look like a flight attendant. I love it. We found it on a whim last minute at one of those big box discount stores.

    Happy Big Green Twelfth Birthday, Bug! Whatever are we going to do next year?