• artsy fartsy,  party party

    Brewing Up Another Bash


    Nothing coaxes me out of a blog-writing stupor more than a new party to percolate on. And boy do I have one to soak in these days! Payam has given me permission to plan him a big 45th bash in Las Vegas! Woo hoo!

    Personally, I hate Las Vegas. Ugh. I can’t even begin to tell you how much,  but I can definitely plan a Vegas bash. Ocean’s Eleven, classy whiskey glasses, high rollers, desert landscape, neon lights and debauchery? I’ll design the heck out of it!


    Payam, of course, loves Las Vegas for all the exact reasons I hate it. Somehow, we meet in the middle here. I love a design challenge and this one has captured my interest like no other.

    Yes, Payam rolls his eyes when I’m cutting cardboard and ordering special buttons off the internet when a simple text or Evite would handle the whole thing just fine but he’s learning to understand me. I’m just not a solo-cup kinda party girl! I won’t even let him buy alcohol with handles on the bottles! I know. I can be annoying this way.

    But I also can kern, pick pantone colors and shave five pounds off your face using photoshop. So there’s that. Not that I did that of course. Payam is just as cute as these photos in real life. I’m just saying, I could.


    Aren’t these buttons cute!!? They’re the little 1-inch ones that kids collect and stick on their backpacks. I think all birthday parties should have seventeen pieces of flair like this. It’s just so fun!

    I’m so into these buttons that I really, really, really want to buy a button-maker but the good ones cost $300! And after using the PTA’s big 3-inch button maker that is made out of metal and works like butter, I don’t think I could settle for anything less. I think at some point it might be a good business move for me because I could sell buttons online and at conventions so I’m putting it on my list…someday!


    I sent these out to Payam’s best friends and now we plan everything else. A private dinner, a trip to the Neon Museum, maybe a party on our hotel balcony and a slideshow of embarrassing and adorable little boy Payam pictures on the wall…I can’t wait!