• 15 minute posts

    Snippets from dating



    I don’t want to make it a habit to gush about how great things are. I know how annoying that can be. Sure, I’ll curate my blog and my facebook page and my instagram feed with pictures and stories that show things in a more positive light. I think that’s a better approach to life in general than whining on for days about how shitty things might be.  But I want to be real and NOT annoying. Is that possible?

    I’m sitting here thinking about this party I went to last night for my friend Deb’s new business venture. I know, how glamourous, right? Who goes to parties on a Thuuuursday? This girl. It’s crazy…Not normal at all.

    It was a great party. Good turnout, good music, amazing space, free light-colored drinks (’cause red drinks would stain the bazillion dollar furniture they sell there) and all and all it was just really fun. Ping pong! Who has ping pong at a party?!! It was awesome.

    But you know what I’m thinking about? How cool my date was. I really found a good one. I don’t want to gush. I really don’t.  But it’s just the little things, they add up. He’s there at my side, talking with me, laughing at my stories. He talks to my friends. He fits in anywhere…I never have to worry about him. He brings me a glass or wine, helps me through the crowd to get a bite to eat, brings me a water all before I even know I want it. Then my friend shows up and he says, “Go talk with your friend. I’ll be here.” And I know he will be.  I never feel smothered. I never feel forgotten. It’s an amazing feeling.

    I’m not trying to say that past men in my life have not been attentive (Or that I’ve even needed an attentive man in my life). I’m just trying to say that things are really good and I’m savoring it.