• 15 minute posts,  my books

    Spied any good books lately?


    Really? Not a single one? Wait, what was that? You spied a really cool spy book about Paris but you can’t really afford it right now so you haven’t bought it?


    Well, what if I gave you one for free? Just one. It’s been a long time since I’ve given away anything free on this site and I used to think this was a site that had more to offer than just words. So let’s change that!!

    I will send one commenter one free book. I might even throw in some top secret goodies to go with it. All you have to do is comment before next Thursday (I’ll shut comments down at noon) WITH your best spy story.

    I know, I had to go and make it difficult. Just a funny little anecdote to make reading comments more fun. I’ll pick the best story or the best random story or if that’s too hard I’ll use random number generator and announce who gets a free book next Friday.

    You can do it! I think everybody’s got a spy story in them. Surely you’ve spied on your neighbors before, maybe your kids, or your parents or that boy you liked in high school? Share your story and you could win! I’ll even draw you a personalized cartoon on the inside page or have Bug write you special note.

    p.s. If you’ve already bought the book, (Thank you! You make my world go ’round.) you can still comment and win another book and give it away or donate it to your local library. And since we’re talking, could you pretty please leave a review on amazon.com or barnesandnoble.com or wherever it is you bought it. I neeeeeeeed all the reviews I can get. Thank you so much!!