• 15 minute posts,  Bug




    Baseball is so boring. I don’t know why I keep thinking that if I go to another game I’ll be there for that one exciting moment when something actually happens.

    Nothing ever happens when I’m there. I stare and stare and stare. Then I fall asleep.  I think the fans are by far more interesting than the game.  The biggest moment all night last night was when two outfielders ran into each other and one of the players had to be walked out of the game.  Snore.  I have the worst baseball luck.  I wish we had Dodger tickets instead.



    A whole lotta this going on.



    Occasionally the group next to us got up and shouted and did the wave.  That was mildly interesting.



    Thankfully, Bug and her cousin invented a game of seated freeze-dance . They had a great old time boogieing in their seats and then freezing whenever the music stopped.

    We came for the game. We stayed for the music.
