crazy stuff,  domesticity,  house-sitting,  sewing catastrophes

Operation Quilt: Day 4

so tired

I fought the quilt and the quilt won. I hate to admit defeat but Operation Quilt has to be shelved before I lose my mind. I sewed fifty-seven squares and I think it’s cost me my sanity. That’s four straight days of quilting. I hate projects that take more than two hours.

Bethany is coming home Tuesday and I don’t think I can wrap the project up that quickly. So I’m going to put it aside and finish it later—not to be confused with never. I really am going to finish this. I just need to figure out how I can squeeze three more squares out of the scraps I have left over and hopefully learn to love this fabric again.


It’s amazing how staring at something for hours on end can drive you buggy. So in order to distract myself from my crazy quilt I’m going to give away a crazy mug. Anybody want a lumpy orange mug with brown shoes and eyes? It’s free to a random commenter!

funny orange mug in a field of quilt scraps

funny orange mug

I know she’s a bit odd. Perhaps a bit of a white elephant of a mug but I think somebody out there would appreciate her. I think I’ll call her, “Orange you glad I stopped blogging about quilting.” If you want her, comment before Wednesday morning and I’ll send her to you FREE!


  • jadekitty

    Oh man, I would love her. Orange happens to be my favorite color and her eyes are mischievous looking.

    On the quilting subject, I thought about making one for a pregnant friend. Then I realized I would never finish it. So I ordered one from etsy. But the urge is still simmering in my brain..
    I empathize on the subject of projects/crafts that take longer then two hours. I have a love hate relationship with my knitting. Love scarves. Hate Blankets.

  • Erin from Iowa

    Oh! I want it so bad! My loft style apt accent color is shades of orange! My decorating style is artsy with a wee touch of kitsch. Mug = perfect!
    Looking forward to seeing your quilt when you finish. No pressure though! Us artists haaaaaaaaaaate to be pressured. Yes?

  • Ruth

    Even if you’re not continuing right now, it’s beautiful! I love all the patterns combined. I’m never very good at picturing something in my mind and then having it look right in real life–you have a knack! Whenever you do finish it, show us!!

  • Sally Hackney

    Firstly (is that a word??) I love your blog. I check in daily. I am especially jealous of your quilt. I don’t know how to sew but would love to learn. I love your little orange mug, I promise to give her a good home if I win her. Thanks for sharing your life. Sally

  • Azul

    I love your quilt. I hope you keep us updated on your progress. You deserve a gold star for working on it for four days straight.

    I love the orange mug. Her little mary janes (at least that’s what I interpreted them as) are too cute.

  • Ana

    I love the way it was coming along, but sanity should always come first so, well done :D

    I also love that mug… I usually don’t qualify because I’m so far away in Brazil now (I hate that)… but if you’d be willing to send your lovely mug all the way to this side of the world, please count me on your give-away. I’d love to carry her around and make all my Portuguese-speaking neighbors jealous ;)

  • Michelle B.

    Don’t give up on the quilt – it looks fabulous – you’ve inspired me to do a strip quilt of my own :) And I love the mug – perfect wake me up with my coffee!

  • Colleen

    I am so glad you confessed, I have always thought I should do a quilt, it would be zen thing yada yada yada, but in reality I think it would just be so wicked hard!! Pity the pioneers who had no choice, but I much prefer to go to HomeGoods and buy one already done. So what if PosieGetCozy can crank them out by the dozen? She is cut from a different cloth than me (pardon the pun)…

  • Sally

    That mug is adorable. Also, I love that quilt. I am amazed at how much work you did on it in four days. I hope it doesn’t get put away forever, because I am excited to see how it turns out.

  • Rebecca

    I’m betting you’ll be very happy with your quilt once it if completed! Take a break and come back to it with a fresh perspective!

  • Susie

    I LOVE that mug! I would drink coffee lovingly from her every day in my craft shop. I never win these things, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed this time. :)

    Your quilt blocks are awesome! I love the combinations and the stripy blocks. I can’t wait to see it put together!

  • bethany actually

    I’m sorry the quilt has driven you crazy temporarily. Uh…it *is* just temporary, right?

    (You don’t need to count this as a mug entry. I’ll just make you paint another if I want one. Ha!)

  • Katie

    That mug is adorable! Quilting will drive you crazy but I adore your fabric choices. By putting it away for a bit you will be refreshed!!

  • sandy

    Oh my I love the photo of you giving up …. good idea to give it a rest. Shoot I have some that have been resting for 6-7 yrs. LOL

    What an adorable cup …. I want it. Please throw me into the pot. thanks.

  • mamalang

    She is adorable. She would definitele make me smile sitting on my desk.

    Speaking for myself, there is a reason I don’t work on a quilt non-stop. It’s a process that takes a bit of time, or you burn out. I’ll be excited to see it whenever you do finish it :0) I’ve enjoyed these posts !

  • Gretchen

    I lovers me the coffee cup, perfect addition to my “well, isn’t that interesting…..” book shelf. Got all sorts of kitsch, including a genuine glass eyeball!

  • Wendy

    You’re kidding, right?–that mug is so cute! I’m working on a quilt right now too but I’m certainly not as ambitious as you (mine is 9×9 squares of old t-shirts).

  • Linda S

    She is adorable and I’d love to give her a home. BTW … the quilt will be beautiful when it is finished. Like you I don’t have patience to work on a project that seems to take forever even though I know the end results will be beautiful.

  • Brenda

    If I were to win that gorgeous mug, I would cherish her the rest of my life. She would find a happy home among my other quirky mugs. (I’m not saying she’s quirky, I’m just sayin’….)

    I have never tried quilting, but I am the proud owner of a quilt my mom spent 10-12 years making! :) Let yours rest and come back to it some day.

  • anne

    So quirky and cute! I can’t imagine trying to complete a quilt as quickly as you were. I once did an easy old t-shirt quilt and it took about a month! I too, can’t sit and work at a project for very long..

  • Jeannette

    I don’t have the patience to make quilts either.I usually do lap quilts,mini quilts or over the chair quilts.I enjoy my chair quilts the most because my chairs are retro vintage solid green.The last big quilt i finished took me 20 years.A friend of mine does the tops and then has hers quilted together by someone else.I think thats the best way to go for some of us.Mainly because like you, by the time she’s almost finished the top,she has gone buggy as well.

    Good luck and love the mug

  • Martha

    Your quilt is so beautiful and I’ve been admiring it and enjoying your posts about it for the past couple of days!! We’ll all love seeing it when you’re done (no pressure, this is from someone who started a quilt six months ago!) Right now my quilt is basted together and awaiting handquilting.

  • Kate

    The quilt looks great Brenda! But I totally understand being sick of looking at it. I made my parents a California King size quilt and I almost swore off quilting after that one. Sometimes a break gives you renewed energy for it.

    Is Bug going back to preschool? Maybe if she is, you can use that time to work on it. That way you have a set time, to dedicate and look forward to it.

    p.s. Adorable mug too. My kids would love it. As would I.

  • Jen

    She’s GORGEOUS!

    Hopefully after taking a break from all the quilting you’ll discover a new love for the fabric and the long hours of quilting. Maybe next time you house sit for the Actuallys!

  • Sam

    I love the orange funky mug! I cherish all of my coffee mugs, and she would be so happy on my shelf!

    As for the quilt, it’s gorgeous. I know that once you finish it, you will be so proud. I have a similar crazy fabric quilt that was a wedding present from my grandparents. I treasure it so. The lady who makes it also makes potholders much like your squares, and I have some and think they are super cute. So, that’s a little project that you could do and have done quickly!

  • jamie

    That mug is adorable and what a conversation starter if there ever was one! :) I am also sad to hear that your quilt has been put on hold, I was living vicariously thru you! :( Oh well, I guess that means I will have to start a quilt of my own…wish me luck! :)

  • Michelle

    I love the mug! She’s adorable and would be perfect for hot coco or chicken soup. ( Can you tell that im tired of the heat!?!?)

    Also love the quilt and hope you stick with it. I have a couple of blankets that my great aunt made for us before she passed away. Whenever I cuddle with it i always think of her. Believe me that Bug will be happy to have it one day. Stick with it!

  • California Mama

    This is what it takes to get me to comment: offer to send me a mug that I can finally call my own and drink out of every morning! (I will probably even wrap it in one of my baby’s blankets so I can safely take it to the coffee shop…I think I’m in love with it.)

    I so understand quilt frustration. I’m so proud you lasted as long as you did, and I know that you WILL return to it. I’ve been picking away at a quilt that my husband’s great-aunt left unfinished, so it’s REALLY old. And…unfinished. :( Maybe I’ll haul it out again for a few days. You’ve inspired me!

  • Katie

    Four days of quilting is a lot. I think you should give yourself props for that.. I like sewing but if a project lasts more than a day or 2 max I get irritated with it.

  • Laura (aka Laurie)

    I fell in love wit the mug at first blush. She is adorable. She would be well loved and cared for if I was lucky enough to win!

  • Milissa

    The mug would be perfect for a steaming hot cup of hot chocolate (sorry, I’m not a coffee drinker).

  • Christy

    You’re very brave to start on a quilt! I don’t think I could ever do anything that awesome! The fabric and your pattern are so pretty! I can’t wait to see the finished product.. even if it takes awhile! Good luck!

  • c

    I’m not reading any other comments so forgive me if I say something ten other people have already said.

    1. The term quilt-in-a-day does not actually mean you can do it in a day.
    2. I’m cleaning my house so I can make one. I’m using lemons as a starting point.
    3. Your mug reminds me of the mr. men/little miss characters.
    4. don’t enter me in the contest.

  • Anonymous

    That is a ginormous project for your first quilt. I have high hopes of being a quilter too, but my time is lacking. I like funky mugs!