Family Matters

Happy Birthday SIL!

I’m such a bad sister-in-law. Yesterday was ComfortablyCrazy’s birthday and all I can yammer on about is the baby’s room and the baby shower and bla bla bla… it’s all about me all the time.

Maybe you’ve picked up on some details here and there but my sister-in-law has been a tremendous help to me in these last few days and in life period. She baked and baked and baked for my shower, she’s listened to me cry on the phone during so many mental break downs, she is the mother of my nieces, she helped me install my car seat, she pretty much moved every heavy thing from my old office into the living room, she gives me massages… she pretty much is the best sister you could ever ask for. Sometimes I just can’t believe what a good choice my brother made. No wonder he married her after only knowing her for a month. She is an angel in disguise.

So can you do me a favor and go tell her happy birthday and that she rocks? Thanks bunches.