Buddies,  travel

Confessions of Playgirl

For someone who doesn’t have a real job or any kind of serious hobby or charity to devote time to, I certainly do keep busy all the time. What’s up with that? I’ve been a sort of professional play girl these days, without the men or the cocktails of course. I’m starting to think I might need to go back to work so I can slow down a little bit. Just kidding. Although… the plot does thicken on that point. I’ll get to that later.

My recent full time job of leisure found me in Santa Monica with a good friend. She kidnaps me once a year and we usually take a road trip together. This year, she went and got married and has a full time family so we curtailed our usual week trip to just two days. Two wonderful days of sleeping in designer sheets, eating delicious Thai food, long talks on the Santa Monica pier (as well as a $9 ferris wheel ride that scared the crap out of me) and of course shopping. And as if that wasn’t enough, she bought me a boat load of maternity clothes and baby clothes. I am one SPOILED ROTTEN pregnant woman.

And now I’m back. So guess how I’m going to embrace reality? I’m going to interview for a job tomorrow! Seriously. I’m actually kinda nervous. I have to get my portfolio together and dress up and everything. It’s been a long time since I’ve been on an interview. The position I’m interviewing for is not a full time job. It will be eight hours a day, five days a week… but only for a month. I’ll just be taking over for a designer who is going on vacation for a month. I figure, what could go wrong in a month? Ha! Ha! Kidding again. But I think it might be fun. I hope I get it! I kinda miss having cubicle buddies. I’m sure I’ll keep you posted.