
Blue Isn’t Just for Boys!

There really is nothing exciting going on around here. Just like my creativity, I think my life has just sort of been eclipsed by my baby-on-the-brain disease. My work has slowed down, which is nice. My family is traveling across the country with my dad (which is comical if you can imagine two nieces, their luggage, a bike, a stroller and my mom all fitting in the cab of a 18 wheeler). I can’t make any trips out to Hemet to visit my mom because they aren’t home yet. They are on their way to California but at the mercy of an untrained dispatcher and they keep getting sent to Alabama. Toby is working hard every day all day. So he has no time for much excitement, other than taking me to the diner on Sunday and watch me turn up my nose at a piece of boysenberry pie that I said smelled like molasses. There aren’t really any great movies to see. I’ve been walking a lot with my new friend the lurker but I’m always so busy talking I forget to take pictures.

So what am I doing with myself these days? I’m day dreaming about my nursery. Toby says we can start moving stuff around in August. That’s a long time from now. Just about how long I have to wait to find out what sex it is. I can’t stand the waiting. I’ve gone into quite a few baby shops hoping to buy that one special first thing but everything that is unisex is boring. Some things are cute, but they whither in comparison to the cuteness of the pink things and the blue things. I’m thinking it’s okay to have blue things for a baby girl. In fact I’ve decided that I’m making my nursery soft robin’s egg blue and off white and chocolate brown. Blue isn’t just for boys! It’s soothing and for some reason I’m on a light blue kick. Maybe it’s left over from that blue pineapple invitation job I worked on.

A friend sent me the cutest card of a branch with a nest and two parent blue birds sitting on it. I’ve decided that I’m going to paint over one of my many old stashed canvases with this picture. It shouldn’t be too hard. So yesterday as I watched “Special Delivery” on the Discovery Health Channel I painted the whole canvas off white. This canvas has seen three other paintings so it’s got lots of texture. The last painting was just straight black and it was very depressing. I think it was something I did after a fight with Toby or something. So it’s getting reborn with baby birds! Hopefully I’ll have enough creativity in me to at least copy the card I was given.

I do have one baby thing now. Coffeesoup knitted me some little baby shoes!!!