• 15 minute posts,  aging parents,  corona virus 2020,  party party

    I’m on a roll. Happy New Year!


    What? Another post before I get to the Big Sweet Sixteen Seattle post? Yes. What can I say, I’m on a roll and I gotta get all these backlogged photos blogged. It’s part of my process. A process that’s been limping along for the last ten years like it’s dying in the desert. I don’t care. I refuse to give up. I know it’s all going to someday get lost in the digital graveyard but while I’m paying for hosting I might as well continue. Maybe someday I’ll actually have enough money to convert it all into a paper book that my grandchildren will never read. One can dream.


    So anyway, New Years! Just like the rest of the world, we didn’t really do anything. It was Covidschmastic. We had a neighbor couple over and Bug invited her boyfriend. Poor Bug, she had grand visions of kissing someone at midnight but we were not making it easy for her. It’s just not that romantic to celebrate with your parents and the neighbors who are also parents. Their teens were working or off with their friends and Joon was at her mom’s. It was a bit anticlimactic.


    We set up the ping pong table in the driveway (that slants downwards) and that was fun. Our bluetooth speaker some tunes and her boyfriend attempted to dance. It was sweet.


    Payam set up his hobo fire pit and he and I toasted a glass of wine or two. (Dry January, what?) We both love that fire pit because when we first met we were supposed to go to a very crowded and noisy bar. It just wasn’t working for me because I have a mouse voice and no one can ever hear me. Eventually, we both decided we’d rather go sit in his backyard and talk and get to know each other over his fire pit. It was simple and charming and Payam was such a gentleman because he never asked me to come in which was great for me. I’ve always been super cautious when it comes to dating, especially after going through a divorce. The bbq firepit holds a special place in my heart and I love it when he pulls it out.


    When midnight finally rolled around we cheered each other with sparkling cider and blew our noisemakers.


    Then everyone went home and we went to bed like the old farts we are. I’m sure Bug stayed up on her phone.

  • aging parents,  Family Matters,  fighting the fat gene,  fitness

    The Mom Report


    My mom is doing GREAT. Like fantastically great. This has been a life-changing event for all of us. My mom came home from the hospital and we immediately, as a whole family, embraced the new DIEt. I think I’m going to rename it soon to something like the “LIVEt” because it is all about living and NOT dying.

    It’s amazing how much small changes like cutting most carbs and nixing sodium works. Yes, the food is bland. Yes, we would love to eat pizza and cheese…and a million other things that are now forbidden but it makes all of us feel a million times better. I think I can swallow bland for a while. I think we were all hung up on what we would have to give up that we didn’t take time to focus on what we would gain if we ate properly.

    It’s still early days but my mom went to her doctor today and she does not have to go back on diabetes medication or high blood pressure medication IF she continues to improve the way she has been. Did you read that right? Last time we checked in she was in the hospital with KIDNEY FAILURE!!! And now she is improving soooo much, she doesn’t have to take her medication? Crazy, right?

    Crazy good.

    My dad and I are in this to win it. I’ve made daily worksheets for my dad to fill out with my mom’s numbers and he is doing so with the dedication of a scientist. We have taken on my mom’s health as our new mission in life. And guess, what? My mom is in it too! She’s had to fight so long and so hard with her weight that she’d given up. It was hard. Even though my mom has a bright optimistic personality she was worn down. But now with our new invested intention she is back on track and killing it. I’m so proud of her.


    It’s a work in progress. I’m thinking once we have these worksheets nailed down I might post them here as a free printable. I’m not a mommy-blogger anymore maybe I’ll become a fight-against diabetes blogger. They say one in four Americans has diabetes so maybe this is the new normal.  I’m just really excited that we have cracked the code. Or at least it’s looking that way. Of course, we have to create something sustainable so the strict diet will have to be flexed and loosened now and then but I’m game. I’m in this!


    A perk of investing more time into my mom, I get to take pictures of my barn more often. It’s getting so pretty out there right now. Spring is in the air!

    Speaking of Spring, have you noticed my new banner? March is Spring in Southern California and between a few blustery cold days, we have had the brightest, sunniest beautiful days with flowers popping up all over. It’s allergy season. You should see the thin coating of yellow pine tree pollen all over everything. Our cul-de-sac looks like a dusty road except it’s yellow.


    And! I’ve been keeping up the running. Nothing like a near health scare to get you motivated. I’ve been running twice a week. Today I took the dogs. I tied their leashes to a fanny pack that Payam loaned me and we swing-swung our way through the nature trail with not the greatest of ease. But it was good to get out and get sweaty. I feel good.