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Free Rough Draft SAJ Calendar


Get Your Red Pens Out! Here it is. The FREE pdf rough draft version of my printable calendar. Free for you if you help me catch all my errors. Then I fix my many typos and put the calendar in my shop for a dollar. What a deal!


This year I’ve added some new holiday confusion. Actually, I’ve been confused about this every year. My google calendar no longer includes a bunch of holidays I used to always include. So I’ve been googling when is Spring Equinox? and puzzling over whether I should include the first day of Hannukkah and the last, and then if I do that, should I include Ramadan and how long that lasts? Purim? Kwanza? I don’t know anymore! Minor Jewish Holidays, Orthodox Catholic Holidays? What do I include, and what do I not? I don’t know. I want to be as PC as possible, but I just got lazy and included the minimum. If your favorite holiday is not on there (and I’m not talking about National Pizza Day or Puppy day, that’s a whole OTHER calendar), then message me, and I’ll consider putting it on.


There you go! Long live the old-school paper calendars that can go on the fridge! Do you guys still use these? I actually do. I have so many calendars. I use google calendar on my phone, I have a day planner at my desk, I have a journal and I still forget where to be on what day because I’m a completely distracted creative undiagnosed-but-very-much-like-ADHD sort of person. Paper calendars help! I like the paper version because it’s in my face and obvious on the kitchen refrigerator. I can’t get my milk for my coffee without looking at it.  I can put my big appointments and my shift schedule down for Bug because she’s almost a grown-up now, and we rarely see each other anymore. She has a life outside of her mother’s radius of existence, aka her boyfriend got his driver’s license. We are ships passing in the night these days, so a calendar is helpful! (Just teasing. She’s still around. But you know teenagers can be.)

Since we’re talking about calendars, should we talk about the other holiday elephant in the room?


Holiday cards! I’m not going to send one this year. I know. It’s hard. You know how much I love making my own holiday card. I just don’t know how to tell people with a mass mailing that they aren’t going to get the picturesque family shot of the Ponnays this year. It’s too much to explain, and do people even like those cards? They’re so posed and perfectly lit with the fall glow of sunset and cute outfits etc. Do we even like that?  I mean, I love making them, and if you need a photographer and graphic designer for your holiday card, please hire me! But for me, it’s just not right this year. It’s too soon. Too much tea.

Bug and I thought up a few parody ideas, but I decided I’d rather save the money for my expensive rent instead. Another reason you should hire me to illustrate your holiday card this year! I can illustrate you in Star Wars costumes, I can illustrate your kids hanging from the chandeliers, and I can illustrate your pets. How hard is it to get a pet portrait for the holidays? Terribly hard! Save yourself the headache and hire me instead. My illustrations also make great gifts. You can get them printed on fancy paper and frame them. I’m up for custom orders! I’ve even dropped my prices. Shhhhh, don’t tell anybody. (I’m faster and better at illustrating than I used to be. One perk of being older.)


Since we’re here in my shop I might as well tell you about my box of books. Not cheap but packed with love. Six books in a cute box that won’t show up weathered by the mail system because I end up putting it in another flat rate box because it’s cheaper. Weird, I know.


There are also SueBea cards! I almost have enough SueBea illustrations to create a calendar.  I’m starting a Redbubble shop with Sue Bea products, but I might not have it up in time for Christmas. Does anyone use Redbubble? I’m still clunking around in it and haven’t quite figured it out.


For now, we have Etsy! Look, Little Hoo Christmas Cards! A set of four.


Of course, I can’t talk about the holidays without mentioning my Little Hoo Christmas book. It’s like giving a mouse a cookie…

I didn’t mean to make this into a Christmas Wish list or to push SAJ products down your throat but it is a good time to do a holiday round-up.


For the older kids (7-10ish) who like to repeat dumb jokes over and over, you might want to pick up Knock Knock Jingle Jingle.

I also have a new book out: Goodnight Little Hoo.



If you have littles, you can always use another goodnight book. If you have friends and relatives with littles they’ll like it too.


I’m done selling! So sorry about that. It’s part of keeping afloat in this internet world unfortunately. I’m supposed to promote my work at least once a week, but I hate doing it.

I’ll leave you with a picture of my apartment complex from the golfcourse. Can you guess which window is mine?

Go print out your free calendar!


  • Debra

    I’m glad you posted this! The Christmas books will be great for my little cousins. I’m on the east coast or would hit you up for those photography skills. Love your creativity. Enjoy the holidays and keep blogging!

  • Gingermog

    So looking forward to printing out your calendar and having it on my fridge! Matt and I still love to have a paper calendars and I still have a paper notebook for my lists of things to do although I know I could be using a much more efficient electronic alternative. I love pens and paper! That’s another perk of growing older you know what your like!

    Your beautiful boxes of books will be a perfect present for anyone with littles and I haven’t forgotten about the farm photoshoot. We just haven’t been back at the homestead but once this autumn and then Matt got the covid, so we didn’t mingle with my nieces.

  • Kristen

    Here is what I noticed!
    March 12: You have Daylight Savings Begins but Nov 5 has Daylight Saving Time Ends. I think Nov 5 is the right way to say it. Mar 12 should be Dayllight Saving Time Begins.
    Nov 10: Should it be Veterans Day Observed? (as opposed to Veterans Observed where it sounds like you are watching them)
    Dec 26: You have Kwahsaa begins. Is that Kwanzaa?
    For Apr, the Fri label is high up. Not sure that is on purpose or not, but usually the labels are by the squares.

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