Buddies,  raving lunatic rant,  travel

The Unfortunate Timeshare Time-Suck and the 4am Fun Bunch


Payam and I took a trip to Vegas this past weekend to celebrate our SIXTH anniversary (of not being married but acting like it). It was pretty fun of course. But let me tell you about the timeshare time-suck we got suckered into. Hah! Did I say the word suck enough? Because it sucked. Like a hoover. Those of you who have been through one of those Wyndham Resort Sales pitches are shaking your heads and laughing at me right now, I know.

Whooo. Boy. What a doozy.

A few drinks may have been involved when Payam and I stumbled out into the night air in search of cheap food. Suddenly out of nowhere someone offered me free Mystere tickets.  You could say it was an organized attack. Why, yes I would like some Mystere tickets. What’s the catch? Nothing, you just have to sit through a 120 minute sales pitch AND guess what, the sales woman will throw in her commission! Just sign your name on the line 15 times and put down fifty bucks that you’ll get back tomorrow.  That doesn’t sound like a scam at all! Well, not to somebody like me who’s spirit animal is tequila AND I really really wanted to go to a show instead of watch Payam gamble all night.

So yeah. We got suckered like the big fat bunch of suckers we are. The next morning we headed to our rendezvous to wait for our shuttle to take the tour. Thirty minutes later we actually got on the tour bus with ten other suckers just like us. You could hear the bleating of all the sheep before slaughter. The woman in front of us told us that back in the day she used to go to four of these a day and practically spend three days in Vegas for free with all the compensation “gifts”. That lifted my spirits a little but it turns out she was totally wrong.

They took us to another hotel and loaded up another 10 suckers before we finally made it to the Wyndham Resort itself, which let me tell you is nothing much. I mean I could understand wanting to sink some investments into Vegas property as the prices soar yearly now that they have multiple resident sports teams and plans of a super fast train between LA and Vegas but… the property itself was not anything I would really seek out. I’m all about boutique hotels and adventure and charm. Wyndham is about families and comfort and having your own kitchen. They didn’t even have a breakfast buffet for us. The “snacks” were gross coffee, powdered cream and a few packaged Danish cheese rolls. I was ready to get out already and we hadn’t even started our 120 minutes.

This was just the beginning of a very complicated waiting game designed to torture and subdue. After another fifteen minutes or so we finally met our friendly Persian sales guy. Of course they stuck us with the Persian guy. I’m sure they put down all the names on a table and when they saw a name that ended in a vowel Payam was a goner. Payam tried to pretend he doesn’t speak Farsi but that lasted all of three seconds. Before he knew it they were shaking hands and talking about where to get the best koobideh in town.

I won’t write up a whole play-by-play of the rest of the torture game but let me just say it was a lot of waiting and NOT talking about numbers. Whenever we would ask what it costs they would say, What is vacation worth to you? It was all about family values and making memories and how horrible you should feel if you don’t spend quality time with your family. Can you really put a price on that?

Yes, actually I can and it does NOT cost me four hours of my day in Vegas. So finally like fifty years later when my eyes were rolling back in my head and Payam was about to break out some karate to get out of there, they told us what the down payment would be. We obviously did not have the money for the deeply secret down payment and we were not interested in getting a loan to finance it. I mean, we did get suckered into the sales pitch but we aren’t complete morons. But that didn’t mean they didn’t try all the tricks in the book. Gifts and incentives galore, lots of going in and out of offices to consult with management. I felt like I was back in a 1990’s car dealership buying my first car. Our sales guy even had the body oder to match.

We were so done. When we finally signed a document saying we really were not interested (imagine that?!!) and we finally got our “gifts,” Payam and I didn’t even want to wait for our shuttle back to our hotel. We ordered an uber and got out of there as fast as we could.

BUT we did get tickets to Mystere and it was awesome!  It is true, there are no bad seats in the house for Mystere. We thought we’d be stuck in the back with our level 3/4 freebie seats but they were great. It was a great show. I can’t say say they were WORTH the four hours of torture but I would definitely pay full price for them.


After the show we met up with my good friend Bethany (from 9th grade!!!) and Stephan (her roommate and therefore my buddy too) who live in Vegas. We partied like rockstars which lead to us exploring Fremont street at 4am like the locals do. It was crazy and fun and I laughed my voice hoarse. Bethany and I always get each other busting up since we have a lot of material being old college roommates and beyond.

And then I got the idea we should take pictures in front of this really well lit pizza sign. Because why not? Bomb lighting is bomb lighting!


What a bunch of nuts, right? Good thing we only do this once or twice a year.


  • Anna

    Ahhh, I feel like we’ve all sat through one of those things, even when we tried to get out of ours when we said we weren’t interested, they locked us in and we were just too polite to leave. Lesson learned for future invites. No gift is worth the torture. At least you had fun after the fact though!!

  • Melinda

    I think maybe you needed a trigger warning on this post for those of us with Wyndham PTSD. Joking! Mostly! My experience was similar but ended with my husband shutting down completely and me crying. We even left without our free gift. (I think it was a gift certificate. We were on the Oregon Coast.) Good times. Glad you enjoyed the show after that awful experience.

  • Cathy

    Ooh, thanks for the PSA – Roberto and I are headed to Vegas in December for all the pretty lights! Will steer clear of any offers too good to resist. Glad you had fun afterwards!

  • Lynne Hood

    You look like your having such fun in these photos. I think Matt would run for the hills if he were subjected to the timeshare sales pitch ordeal. I’m gad they paid out the tickets and they were good ones.

    You made me laugh out loud at the line “tequila is your spirit animal”. I’ve been watching the new TV version of Pullman’s “His Dark Materials'”, (its a great adaption) and everyone having their own daemon has made me consider mine. I think mine might be a Norwegian Forest cat, (it the tail just like having your own feather bower) except I love the water sooo a cat might not work out so well on that front.

    I’ve branched out big time into sloe gin making (made from Berllanderi farm sloes) for this Christmas, following the success of last years little batch. Not a patch on Brendaritta’s but pretty good. I’m trying it with a squeeze of lime and some quality tonic water tonight to water it down as its quite intoxicating.

    Love your new Christmas banner. I’m back in London working on a job and putting in too many hours into even thinking of Christmas prep. Ulp! Have fun. xxx

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