15 minute posts,  Alpha+Mom post,  artsy fartsy,  Bug,  Tis the Season

Emoji Outtakes


Would you believe me if I said I haven’t blogged in a while because I’m waiting for Bug to finish her latest fashion post and she’s taking FOREVER? It is true but it’s not a very good excuse and who cares about excuses anyway. Everybody who likes to write should just sit down at their laptop and write everyday no matter who they are writing to or what they are writing. It’s fun. We write because we like to write, right? I sound like Bug’s favorite joke, Right is right, right? Cue eye-rolling.

Anyway, I was going over the outtakes for this post I wrote on Alphamom on Monday and there were so many funny photos of Bug I had to share them. Also I’m trying to go outside my comfort zone everyday per Lisa Congdon and this is the equivalent of me sticking my tiny toe off the edge of the grand canyon or texting while sitting in the bathtub. Funny, I do the latter a lot more then the former. And I’m not even a bath person!

Actually, I need to blog about our dog, Holly. She died. We are very sad. So that’s my next challenge and it’s way out of my comfort zone. I’ve been putting it off because the last time I wrote about a pet being put down, it was a very bad experience involving some internet trollery. People have very strong feelings about pets and I get that. We have strong feelings about Holly so I need to write about that one of these days. But maybe not today. I need to get a ziplock for my phone before I hover it over the hot bubbly water.


So yeah, Bug’s working on a fashion post for you. It’s been in the making for many days. You know, in between homework, soccer practice, working on sharpie-masterpieces and various other art projects.

I could seriously write a whole post about Sharpies and my daughter. I had to put her on Sharpie probation for two days (I know! Only two days but believe me, it was a veeeeeery long time to her.) because I found Sharpie marks on the floor, on my jute rug, on the mirror, on the ipad…All very cute drawings and marks but STILL!!! Girl! Get some respect for my house and my things!!

Maybe letting her draw on her shoes, soccer balls and pool toys was giving her a little too much freedom. She’s thinking the world is her canvas these days. Thankfully, two days off Sharpies was very sever punishment for her and I’m happy to say I think she’s learned her lesson.


Isn’t the little ghostie cute? This craft was actually Isabel’s idea. (Best boss ever.) I didn’t think much of it but now that I have all these emoticon pumpkins emoting all over my house I’m kinda digging them. They are very useful. Sometimes instead of saying something I just hold up a pumpkin. I’m sure you can guess which one I hold up a lot.




I’ll just throw these photos in because they are cute. That concentrating fish face!


I love my pumpkin.


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