• Beach Bits,  Bug,  travel

    Super Jogger!

    We’re off to a good start! Toby and I picked up the free jogger stroller on Friday, I washed the dust and spiderwebs off it Saturday and Baby Bug and I took it for a run on Sunday! Woo Hoo!!! Take that baby pudge–that has settled around my middle and refuses to leave even though I’ve been back to my pre-pregnancy weight eons ago.

    It’s weird to actually want to work out. I used to force myself to run just out of sheer self hatred. But now, it’s a whole different story. I remember feeding the baby a month after she was born and looking through the sliding glass door at my running shoes as they gathered dust on the patio. I remember yearning to put them on and just run through the neighborhood free one more time. But, no, that was not happening. Babies do not go kindly into baby carriers for a jog, especially when they’re little heads go jostle jostle jostle and then they get sick and puke all over you. Not that I tried it. I didn’t. Just the thought of running with the baby made me worry, not to mention the baby-feeding-boobs that go jostle jostle jostle painfully.

    The Bugaboo is funderful but it just wasn’t cutting it for running. Mostly because it’s too nice to keep outdoors. Hauling it up and down the stairs every day when I want to take a walk or a run is out of the question. It’s bad enough when I want to take it out for a stroll at the mall. And no, we don’t have a garage I can put it in. And no, I can’t keep it in the trunk of my car. My car is small, gotta put groceries in that trunk.

    Now I have the jogger stroller and since it was free and it’s obviously worn, I don’t feel bad leaving it outside in the weather. I leave it under our stairs. It’s so handy! It’s so inviting! Every time I come down the stairs it sits there all red and happy saying, “Just think of the places we could go!” The wind in my hair, the pavement beneath my feet, a baby happily content as the scenery whizzes by… life is wonderful when you have a jogging stroller. Jogger sweet jogger.

    Getting back into shape is not quite as pleasant. Thankfully, all the walking I do has helped. I managed to run almost 80% of my old regular route, only stopping to rest check on the baby a few times. It’s really nice to have something to do again in the early morning. I figure if she’s going to wake me up at the crack of dawn, I might as well put that time to good use. Trying to get her to play by herself while I slept just five more minutes was not working.

    So that’s that. We’re happy jogging morning people. I know. We’re freaks.