preg-nuts,  the laundry

The first load of baby laundry

Oh the laundry!

There are two baskets and one pillow case full of baby laundry sitting on my living room floor right now. I followed Anne’s advice and decided Thursday wasn’t a very good day to do laundry. Actually, Toby had to shoot all day today and I was counting on him to help me carry all this laundry down the stairs and into his van so I could transport it across the street to the laundromat without falling down the stairs like a giant laundry snowball. He’s promised me he’ll be free for laundry carrying duty tomorrow. Friday is a much better day for doing laundry anyway.

Phew! That’s a lot of laundry and that isn’t even all of our laundry. That’s just baby bedding and a few outfits and blankets for the hospital! We have a whole hamper full of clothes and a bed spread (thanks to the puking cat) in the other room that I’m going to do in my second shift of laundry tomorrow. See, the drudgeries of motherhood have already started. Not really. I’ve hated doing laundry since the day I moved out of my mom’s house.

But just the same, every time I walk by those two baskets and pillow case in my living room, I give myself a fright. Is this what it’s going to be like being a mom? Is this just the beginning of never ending days of laundry and poopy diapers!

I told Toby that if I got bored enough today, I might load up the new buggaboo stroller (Yes! I have it now! It’s so divine!!!!) with one load at a time and push the stroller across the street for practice. But of course I haven’t gotten that bored today. Besides I’d probably look like a freak pushing a stroller full of laundry across the street when obviously the baby is still in my tummy. And then there’s the whole balance issue, can I even get the stroller down the stairs right now?

Yeah, not THAT bored.