• Adventures with Suzette,  Apartmentlandia

    Suzette the Bicycle


    So a girl walks into a bike shop…

    I was just looking for an affordable bike that would be comfortable so that I could keep up with Bug on her new bike. The town we live in is riddled with bike trails and I’ve been day-dreaming of the day we could ride bikes together since the day we moved in. I never expected I would find the new love of my life!


    Her name is Suzette and she is the best bicycle EVER. Really. I can’t even believe how much I love this bike. It was meant to be. If she ever gets stolen I will cry real tears.

    Why is she so wonderful? Because she is the fastest, most comfortable bike I have ever ridden. It’s a breeze to ride. I whip past everyone without even breaking a sweat.  In fact, that is probably the only complaint (and not from me): that I go too fast and everyone else can’t keep up!

    When I walked into the bike shop an older man (who just happened to be Mr. Marconi the race car driver himself) asked me what I was looking for and I said, I just want to be comfortable and be able to keep up with my kids. I do want to get in shape but I don’t want to hate bike riding and I am not naturally athletic.

    I tried several bikes. Mr. Marconi had me take each one out into the parking lot and ride it around in circles. It was a little awkward at first. I did have a dress on after all. But right away I could see the differences from bike to bike. Some were stiff, some were awkward and some were super duper smooooooooth!  I really wanted to pick the super cute Italian brand but when I got on this bike by Specialized, I couldn’t go back. It was just a natural fit. So easy to get on, so easy to get off, so easy to torque up to top speeds in seconds without even thinking…it’s just amazing. And I’m not even getting paid to say that. If you have the funds to go buy a bike, I cannot recommend this brand enough.

    So yeah, it was pricey but I feel really good about my purchase. I’ve had cheap bikes before and I never rode them. I left a bike rusting in Toby’s garage that I never rode. This bike I can’t stop riding. I’m keeping it in Payam’s garage until we move because I don’t have room on my balcony and everyday I miss it. I just keep thinking, if my bike was here I could ride up to the store with it, or maybe to the farm across the way or maybe up the highway a bit to that trail I always see out my window and I wonder where it goes. Suzette is calling me and she wants to go on adventures!

    suzette-the-bicycle-3Today Bug and I rode up to the park and fed the ducks and of course I had to take pictures of Suzette because she’s so pretty. Now I just need to get myself some cute pedal pushers and maybe a helmet that doesn’t make me sweat. If only I could take her to Paris with me. Can’t you just see me riding down the cobble stoned streets with baguettes in my basket?

  • domesticity,  Tis the Season

    Easy Summer Peach Scones


    I love summer! Especially the beginning of summer before it gets super hot and humid and everything is sweaty like dog’s breath all the time. I love the longer days. I love the cool mornings. I love tank tops and flip flops and hours spent by the pool. I love it all!

    But most of all, I love summer fruit!

    Peaches have been showing up at Trader Joe’s lately and I strongly suggest you pick yourself up a box. They are so yummy. Perfect, really.


    Also? The boxes also make perfect cat beds so all around it’s a great deal.


    You know what you can do when you have peaches (or any fruit for that matter) in abundance? You can make peach scones!

    I remember a long time ago (and I know I’ve told this story before) I was instant messaging with Bethany and she said something like, Just a minute, I need to go whip up some scones like she was taking minute away from messaging to blow her nose or something. It cracked me up because in my mind scones were something fancy that you buy in a  coffee shop. I never realized that they are quite easy to make at home and you can make so many variations of them. She gave me her recipe for lemon scones and I’ve made them many times. Then I started manipulating the recipe to accommodate fruit and sometimes even pumpkin and chocolate (not together, yet).

    So here is my quick easy recipe for Easy Summer Peach Scones:


    • 2 1/2 cups of flour
    • 1/4 cup of granulated white sugar
    • 1 tsp baking powder
    • 1 tsp baking soda
    • 1 stick of butter (not melted but right out of the fridge!) (1/2 cup)
    • 1/2 cup of sour milk (which I never have but create by putting 1 1/4 tsp of white vinegar in a 1/2 cup measuring cup and fill the rest with regular milk)
    • 2 peaches cut into small bites (I left the skins on)
    • 1 tbs sugar to sprinkle on top (optional)

    First I preheated my oven to 350. Then I added all the dry ingredients together and cut in the butter. Then I added my sour milk and let it mix. Then I added my peaches and mixed it gently.

    I plopped my sticky gooey dough into a pie dish (I greased mine but I don’t think it’s necessary) and formed it into a mound. Then I sprinkled sugar on top and baked it in the oven for 20 minutes. My oven always burns everything so I bake for shorter times than most recipes call for. You might need more time than that.


    Then I poured myself a cup of french press coffee, cut myself a slice and sat down at my computer to work. Is this how you eat breakfast? At your computer, clicking away and sipping coffee dangerously close to your keyboard? Bad, I know. But I am savoring these mornings of work time before Bug wakes up. She is enjoying sleeping in like a true pre-tweenager. Must be growing.